Mathieu Durand
Ex-editor of the monthly Jazz News, ex-hair guitarist of Clochards Célestes,
ex-student in Nietzschean philosophy, ex-host of the blog CrissXCross, ex-
fan of the sixties, ex-optimist to the core, ex-journalist for La Terrasse, Evene
and Jazz Magazine, Mathieu Durand co-created in 2018 the web radio Le Grigri
to broadcast all the tracks he doesn’t have time to play in his role for in
Club Jazz at the French national radio station FIP. But also to fulfil an old dream: to
organise parties to DJ and thus make all the money he has put into vinyls
In 2014 he published the book On a marché dans le jazz et pas du pied
gauche, the result of five years of wanderings with photographer Nikola
Cindric in the shadowy, interactive and international world of contemporary
jazz. His next goal is to write a book about the too little known blind
saxophonist Michel Roques, a figure of European jazz in the 60s and 70s
who literally left without an address in the twilight of the 80s.